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How to upload a file into Google Drive

In this article, you will learn how to upload any file to Google Drive and then insert a link to download it or view it on a Webnode project. This is useful if you can't or don’t want to upload the file to the storage space Webnode gives you for your website.

1. Log in to your Google Account at Google Drive, then click New.

Click New

2. Select File Upload.

File Upload

3. Choose the file you want to upload.

Choose the file

4. Right click on the file and select Get link.

Get link

5. Select Anyone with the link and then copy the link

Settings of link

6. Insert the link to the project in Webnode by default in the form of a link in the text, image or button.

7. The file will appear by default on Google Drive, where the user can download it.

File on Google Drive

TIP: Google Drive currently offers (01/2021) 15 GB of free space. You can find their Terms of Service here.