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Add a Google +1 button

This article is about the original Webnode editor. If your site was created in the new editor, you can go to our knowledgebase for new editor.

By clicking on Google +1, visitors can show their appreciation of your site thus helping increase traffic to your website. To place a Google +1 button follow these steps:

1. In your web editor open the page where you want to insert the button.

2. Click on "More" in the toolbarChoose "Social networks" and then click "Google +1". 

3. Set the button style (size) and alignment. Choose whether to display the number of +1 clicks next to the button. In the window below you can also see the preview of changes you make. Once you've finished, click "OK".

4. Publish the changes.

Tip: You can change the configuration of the Google +1 button by clicking on "Settings", or remove the button by clicking the red X.