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How to set up links and file for Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

In this walkthrough, you will learn how to set up links for the Terms and Conditions and privacy policy that appear in the confirmation of the order when purchasing in the e-shop and how to add the terms to the order confirmation email.


1. In the project detail, click e-shop settings, and then click General Settings.

General settings2. The second option is to access directly through the editor. Click Settings here.

Select Settings

3. Select the E-shop tab and click General Settings.

Configure General settings

4. Scroll down to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy section, here you can click Edit to change the link for the documents or insert a PDF file with the Terms and Conditions that will be sent to the customer by e-mail.

Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

5. For links to terms and conditions or privacy policy, select one of the project pages and confirm with the Save button.

Choose page

6. In the Terms and Conditions section of the order confirmation email attachment, you can upload a set of terms and conditions from your computer. Press the Save button to confirm the change. Upload the file in PDF format.

Choose file

The selected file is then sent as an attachment to the order confirmation email.

Email attachment

TIP: In the e-shop, the page for terms and conditions and privacy rules is pre-created. However, you can also create them manually as regular pages and insert documents on them.

ATTENTION: The pre-built terms and conditions and privacy rules that are essential in the editor are just an outline of what these documents are supposed to look like. Their specific form should be adjusted or created by self-help, possibly with the consultation of a commercial law expert. Webnode is generally not responsible for terms and conditions and privacy rules.