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VAT application when purchasing a premium plan (EU customers only)

1. End Users (B2C)
According to the VAT on eCommerce Directive (2006/112/EC amended by directive 2008/8/EC) of the European Commission, Webnode is obligated to collect VAT for services purchased by end users (non-business registered) in the European Union.

Webnode is registered in the EU within the framework of the Mini One Stop Shop (“VAT MOSS“) model and has an EU VAT ID - EU826017277 which will appear on the invoice of every European user. This ID indicates that Webnode is a Non-EU company and that Webnode collects and reports VAT under this ID in all EU countries in which the company conducts business.

The important message for the customer is that VAT is fully maintained and settled by Webnode and the customer does not have any further obligations.

Please note that the VAT Information Exchange System (“VIES“) website of the European Commission does not provide confirmation of the validity of these European VAT numbers and therefore is not able to be searched for.

2. Registered Businesses, VAT Payers (B2B)
If you are a business and have a valid VAT ID from the country where your business is registered, you can enter your VAT ID when purchasing your premium plan and you will be charged VAT of 0%. This invoicing is handled according to the “Reverse-Charge System.“ Please consult with your tax advisor or accounting specialist regarding your responsibilities in your local VAT report.

3. Registered Businesses, non-VAT Payers
If you are a business and you are not registered as a VAT payer, you will be charged VAT of 0%. Please consult with your tax advisor or accounting specialist regarding your responsibilities in your local VAT report.