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About Your Website's Statistics

The Webnode 2.0 editor offers a simple statistical overview of your website’s visits to help you to see how much traffic your website gets.

Statistics included in the report are the number of website visitors, the number of pages viewed, the most visited pages and website referrals.

Website statistics for free websites or websites with Limited package offer only an overview of website visitors and pages viewed for the past 30 days. You can get access to more information after purchasing premium plan Mini, Standard or Profi.

PLEASE NOTE: During the summer of 2023, our server infrastructure was gradually updated, thanks to which we use more advanced data collection methods. This will exclude spam visits and bots from the statistics. This step can lead to a leap change in traffic statistics. The change will help you get a better idea of real visits from real users and overall site performance.

To access website traffic statistics, log in to your Webnode project administration and select the project you would like to see the statistics for.

For free websites, only daily traffic statistics are shown. With a Premium Plan, you can increase the selection of data to monthly and all time.


Different statistical methodologies are used in data analysis. The data may therefore differ from other statistics, it is important to fully understand which metric you are checking.

Website visitors

This graph gives an overview of the number of visitors that your website received within a given time-frame. A day is counted from midnight to midnight.

Page views

This graph shows you how many particular pages were opened on a given day. Each page of your website is counted as 1.

Someone visits your website 10 times and during each visit they open the homepage (1 page) and contact page (1 page). 20 page views will be counted.

Popular pages

This metric will show you the most visited pages of your website based on the amount of page views.

Referral pages

This statistic will show you how visitors come to your website from sources other than search engines. You will be able see the last website they visited before coming to your website.